Friday, February 27, 2009

growing belly photo's

So...every week we will highlight the growth of the baby, through the eyes of Alyssa's belly. It is cute to watch her grow and to watch her belly button begin to peak out. This week Phinley is about the size of a 6 inch subway sandwich...nice

19 weeks...about half way home

So here we are in the 19th week...and we finally chose the background for the blog, so we can get this thing going. Alyssa looks great...John just had his wisdom teeth out, so he doesn't look so great...and well you can see Phinley (little stud). The estimated due date is July 21st but, because of the medicine Alyssa is on, our Fetal Growth Specialist says that they will induce early. My bet is July 6th...famous day (G.W. Bush, Sly Stallone, and the famous Mike Sharrow). Keep praying for Phinley and Alyssa's health. God is all over it and we hope to keep it that way.