Friday, June 12, 2009

week 34.6149

so here we are...week 34, almost week 35...good week so far. Baby is healthy, mommy is healthy and cute as ever, the nursery is pretty much finished, and the Red Sox are 8-0 against the yanks. We really can't believe he will be here in 5 weeks or less (please Lord Jesus let it be less). Today my heart jumped, because I got a scent of lil Phinley (the good smell, not the other one). Alyssa bought baby laundry detergent (didn't know they had that), then opened it in the car to see what it smelled like. Yep, you are right, it smells like a baby. How do they do that? Can you squezze the smell out of one or is it just something put together by scientists in a lab in New Jersey? Either way, it is sweet...see you soon lil guy, at least face to face, because we see you moving around trying to break out everyday.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Benifits of youth ministry

So there are many perks that come with what we do...spending a majority of our time with students. We get to see God change and impact lives daily as we minister to and along side the youth at Grace Point. Another perk is that you have a large family that likes to spoil you on special days...Birthdays, anniversaries, and even having a baby. This time we were DIAPER DASHED. Basically they invaded the youth room, with food, drinks, balloons and a lot of oops protective gear. In other words alot of diapers and wipes. In fact there were 659 diapers, 1274 wipes, a couple sets of cute clothing and one awesome pair of BABY TOMS (like father like son).
Thanks to all our students and make every day worth it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

week 29

Hey friends...Alyssa here this time! We just got done with yet another appointment with the specialist and everything with Phinley looked perfect. God is so faithful and continues to show me that daily when I feel this sweet little boy kick and tumble. He weighed in at 3lb 3oz, remaining about a week ahead of schedule, and apparently has a rather large head...oh joy! I am going to chose to not think about that part. My favorite thing about this sonogram was that we got to see that he has a head full of hair!! I figured he would between what John and I both have going on up top. We could see his lips moving, his eyelids opening and closing, and the little bugger had both his arms up over his face the WHOLE time so we couldn't get any good pictures this time!
So from now on, we get to see the specialist every week, and my regular dr every two weeks...the end is so near!! Can hardly wait to meet this little man that God is so graciously entrusting us with.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Week 28 plus

So we wander into week 28. The good part about nothing real exciting happening is that means everything is good and healthy with the baby. Of course tiny little Alyssa looks really cute with giant Phinley roaming around in there. We still have daily shots, weekly doctor appointments, and we are spoiled with gifts almost everyday. And my theory about Phin being a soccer player....seems to be true, he keeps kicking both of us, for no good reason. The doctors say 80 more days, but if John is right we only have 65...hold on world, the cuteness is coming!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 25 belly photo

Hmmmm....what is going on in there? Week 25 is crazy exciting. At the most there is around 15 weeks left. We bet it will be least we pray it will be less. He is developing his little character already. Every time I give Alyssa her shot Phinley takes it personally. He starts punching my is good to see him protecting his mommy already. We can't wait for phin to be here...we are going camping.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

week 23 belly photo

Phinley is continuing to grow...bigger and bigger. And as he grows, of course, Alyssa's belly grows more and more. It is unreal to see the outward effect of God designing something on the inside. Continue to pray for our little guy and us and we dive into parenthood.

Monday, March 16, 2009

New baby photos

Some baby pictures from week 21...He is looking more and more like his daddy...they even got a picture of the bottom of his foot.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

tiny little shoes for our tiny little beach bum...thanks Phinley's grandma (or whatever phin ends up calling you). Now he needs some tiny Sorel's and he is all set...this December he has to be ready to shovel snow.

belly photo week 21

Well we are over the hump and heading down hill now. As you can see...there is a 1 pound baby boy in there. What makes this week even more fun is that Alyssa can now feel Phinley kicking around in there. It is true...he is gonna be a soccer player.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Other Babies

So...we were talking it over with Maddox and Gracie, and they are both super excited about Phinley. They could hardly hide their emotions. In fact I think maddox went pee a little.

Friday, February 27, 2009

growing belly photo's

So...every week we will highlight the growth of the baby, through the eyes of Alyssa's belly. It is cute to watch her grow and to watch her belly button begin to peak out. This week Phinley is about the size of a 6 inch subway sandwich...nice

19 weeks...about half way home

So here we are in the 19th week...and we finally chose the background for the blog, so we can get this thing going. Alyssa looks great...John just had his wisdom teeth out, so he doesn't look so great...and well you can see Phinley (little stud). The estimated due date is July 21st but, because of the medicine Alyssa is on, our Fetal Growth Specialist says that they will induce early. My bet is July 6th...famous day (G.W. Bush, Sly Stallone, and the famous Mike Sharrow). Keep praying for Phinley and Alyssa's health. God is all over it and we hope to keep it that way.